Monday, February 14, 2011

M.I.T.C.A. Track and Field Coach's Clinic

It's been a few days sense I've updated on what going on. I've been keepin busy with running, snowmobiling, Coach's clinic. Last week was my 10th week at 70 or more miles which is the most/longest I've done ever and I feel pretty good. The only thing is my average pace is to fast, atleast I think it is....6:10 pace average and when I try to slow it down for easy days, it feels like I'm going about 8 min pace but I guess its a good problem as long as I can stay healthy (knock on wood). My Long runs are starting to get up to 14 miles and I starting to feel pretty good the whole way. I've also been running with one of my XC/track girl runner 3 times a week for a slower second run trying to get her base up for track. Today we did a 4 miler at steady state pace (6:34 pace) which is good for having 30+ winds.
Last Friday all the track coaches went down to Lansing for MITCA Coaches clinic. I got to listen to Mike Parker from Iowa. He's won multiple state titles in XC and Track and won multiple coach of the year awards. He ran for Kansas and he was great to listen to. He talked about 1600/3200 training, Distance-Mental Training for Peak Performance and The art of Coaching-You can be Successful. The most I learned was from the Distance -Mental Training for Peak Performance, He talked about visualizing the race days in advance from how to get out the first 100 meter, to the smell of gun powder, what position/time you want to be at. I started to do this while I was in college I felt it helped me not be so nervous for the big meets like XC regionals and Nationals. I also listen to Jason Robiner about some Injury prevention and rehab for distance runners which was helpful because a lot of my runners get shin splints and knee/hip pains. Jason talked about how to help relieve some of these pains with simple foam roller.
Hope everyone is stayin healthy and Running Happy

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snowy wonderland

The past few days has been really tiring not just with running but having to shovel the 6+ inches of snow. Recently, I've just been getting in the miles and when the road is clear pick up the pace like a fartlek type of workout but it hasn't been that easy. The past few days after the big snow storm has been pretty nice considering how crappy it was. I was able to get 70 miles in even tho taking last Wednesday off and most of the runs were under 6:20 pace, which made me happy.
Today I was able to get out for a long run although I was lazy and didn't get out till a little later and it had already started to snow. Mentally the snow made it tougher but I did a two loop course today, which was lyons loop (6 miles) then my 8 mile North st. medical loop in town. My legs felt pretty good but this is the longest I've ran in a while so I wanted to take the first loop pretty easy with it being mostly rolling hills. It turned out to be around 36:45 then the second loop was 48:54 but that was .2 short so I added on at the end to make it 14 miles. The total time was 1:27:35 (6:15 pace), which is 3 min 49 sec faster then 2 years ago where I ran the exact same loop, and 2 min and 25 sec faster then last years 14 miler. I can't wait to do a race in the next few weeks and test my fitness. Hope everyone is staying healthy and RUNNING HAPPY!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Finally starting to feel better after my food poisoning episode last week and now we're suppose to get over a foot of snow tonight/tomorrow. I used to love the snow but now if we get anything over 3 inches I have the hardest time running. It never used to be like that, just the last few years. Maybe it's because I run alone everyday and I just want the run to be over with?!?! Who knows!!!
Update on my Training the last 2 days: Yesterday I just ran a easy 7.5 in the morning at 6:07/mile then later one of my high school athletes (Chloe) wanted to run. I meet her up at the high school and did a 3.5 miles at her pace, she hasn't been running sense the end of XC season. I let her go any pace she felt good at and even tho she was tired (out of shape tired) she ran 6:56/ mile. I wish I had that kind of talent and not really run and just come back and go sub 7/min on icy sidewalks. TODAY: I ran my 8 miler at easy 6:31/mile it was pretty windy and chilly so I just took it easy. My second run was alone, Chloe had a school thing that was out of town so she suppose to run on her own. I ran a 4 miler at 6:11/mile; It was a out and back into the wind at 6:15ish pace then Steady state coming back, wind at my back but it was hillier going home. Felt good going 6:05 average on the coming back part. TOMORROW: It's going to be hard getting out and running but I'm sure I'll be out there twice, Maybe if we get all that snow people will get out and shovel the sidewalks and the city will plow/salt the roads...I'll keep my fingers crossed!!! Hope everyone stays safe and RUNS HAPPY!!!