Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter Has Arrived in Michigan!!!

Quick little update on my training from the past few days... Last week I finally got back up to 75 miles. This week I plan on going down to 70 for a "recovery week" then back up to 80 miles next week. I decided to do a few extra things to help stay healthy with the increase in miles. Doing push-ups daily and some kind of core work and using my foam roller when I start to feel extra sore or more tired then normal. I feel like all this is helping me with my running form, now that we have snow and ice we have to deal with.
Congrats to all the Olmpic Marathon Qualifier from this past weekends race!!! Hall,Meb, Abdi and Flanagan,goucher and davila

“The unspoken and shared understanding of what it means to be a runner can be seen in the kinship between runners. When 40,000 people line up to run the Chicago Marathon, or when 130 line up at a high school cross-country race, they can look each other in the eye with a certain respect, awareness, and comprehension that is prohibitively elusive for the non-runner. Before, during, and after the race, the fellowship between runners is tangible and real. The brotherhood and sisterhood of the running community can be felt in the air as they inhale a collective like-mindedness. To be a runner in the midst of other runners just before the start of a race is a mystical experience that can no more be captured in words than can the color blue.”

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